Friday 4 January 2008

4 1 08

I have always been a great lover of cute white ankle socks - not those awful ones that you had to wear for P.E in secondary school (below)
Shudder. No no, I’m talking about the cute frilly ones that you wore in primary school with your silver glittery jelly shoes (which I totally need to get for next summer) like these:

However, being way past primary school, the frills surely need to go; so a simple white sock turned over will do just nicely. I remember seeing such a thing on Jeremy Scott’s fall 2007 runway (or autumn to us Brits), which had a massive kitsch feel to it and reminded me very much of the B-52’s who I absolutely love.

It’s way too cold to wear them with cute dresses now but could be worn with some high waisted jeans. They really do need to be high waisted to avoid the whole Michael Jackson look and make it look more rockabilly – but don’t blame me if you still get abuse yelled at you in the street by some chavs, who clearly have never read a fashion magazine (a proper fashion magazine I’m not talking about Heat here people) and couldn’t name 5 top models, even if their mopeds depended on it.So just a little something to keep in mind for when summer comes, which in England’s case, could be never.

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