Tuesday 1 April 2008

1 4 08

April is finally here, and the sun is shining! From now on, days will be getting longer and hotter ...well... until the longest day arrives on June 21 and then it all starts going back again – BOO! But that’s a while away yet so we will focus on the positive, like drinking in a sunny beer garden all afternoon and going on holiday. The latter of which got me thinking; I desperately need a swimsuit. I haven’t been swimming in so long I don’t even think I own a swimsuit any more! I definitely know what kind of style I want, but it’s simply a matter of finding one!

I found some adverts from the 1950’s for Jantzen swimwear, and they are just the thing I’m looking for – maybe not strapless, but definitely the right length.

Pin Up Girl black polka dot swimsuit £35

Daddy-O's baby blue swimsuit £40

Urbanoutfitters.com red gingham swimsuit £50

I think my favourite out of the three is the black polka dot one, because it has the closest length to the ones in the Jantzen adverts, but I do like the gingham pattern better. Sometimes there’s just no pleasing a girl!

1 comment:

  1. Hi:-)
    I just fell in love with your blog!!!
    WOW!! It's my style summed up!
    I was actually surfing the net for nice old fashioned swim wear!
    I'm really tired of bikini's!! (mostly because I have a huge ass!)
    Wish we had all those nice shops in SA!!
    keep up the great blog!!
