Wednesday 14 May 2008

14 5 08

I don’t have a lot of time to do a proper post because I am off to see The Raconteurs tonight with my boyf and some friends, so I thought I would just do a quickie outfit post.

Black and white check shirt – my boyfriend bought this when we went to Stockholm, Red belt vintage – The East End Thrift Store, High-waist red shorts – TopShop, White shoes – Office, Black wayfarers - Lady Luck Rules Ok

Again, I do apologise for the mess in the picture, my bedroom is simply too small for a hoarder like me! In future I will just shift everything out of the way to take the photo; I was just being lazy with this shot.

....I have only just noticed that I have worn black, white and red two days running. I do wear other colours, I swear!

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