Thursday 22 May 2008

22 5 08

After reading about it on Susie Bubble’s blog last week, I finally got around to seeing the Tim Walker exhibition at the Design Museum. It was DEFINATELY worth the wait. It’s so hard to pick favourites as they are all wonderful, but it would take forever to upload all 100 photographs! So, here is just a small selection of some of his fantastic photography:

Oh, and I just read that Patricia Field is going to be doing a 35 piece collection for M&S

“I have conceptualised the line as Destination Style New York and it consists of iconic womenswear including matching accessories. I like to see it as an expression of my philosophy of 'the democratisation of luxury’.”

Apprently (according to Marie Claire) the collection will consist of “‘luxury’ pieces with a nod to high-octane glamour.” So watch this space!

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