Tuesday 15 January 2008

15 1 08

Yesterday I went searching for a pair of long leather gloves, I must have gone into every shop possible when I came across the PERFECT pair in Warehouse – but they were £30!!! I thought well it is my birthday on Saturday, so maybe I’ll treat myself. I then remembered hearing that they had a pair in New Look and went to check before I went home, and there in front of me was the EXACT same pair for £10!!!!!!!!
I bought the £10 pair and marched straight back to Warehouse to return them (feeling quite foolish for spending £30 on a pair of gloves in the first place) and when handing back my money, the cashier said “£30? Is that how much there were? I’d have returned them too!”
So the lesson I learned was always shop around first. Plus, don’t be stupid enough in the first place to spend £30 on a pair of gloves!

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