Thursday 17 January 2008

17 1 08

I bought some other buttons for the pink coat because I wanted gold ones instead of the silver vintage ones, so here it is:

Again sorry about the image, but birthday is on Saturday (yay!!!) so the quality of all images will improve thereafter. I also bought some material to make a skater skirt because the one I wanted from TopShop sold out aaaages ago and I can’t find one like it anywhere, PLUS I was bidding for a really nice grey skirt on eBay when at the last minute someone was outbidding me so I put in another few pounds, and when it ended I had lost - but the other person had entered £56!!!!!!! It was only going to be about £20! I think maybe they did it to be stupid, but the jokes on them now because they have to pay up. HA! So I will post a picture when I have made the skirt; I should have done it today but I had the dentist and was in there for longer than I thought. Not fun.

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